Total lack of teeth
Removable acrylic denture
The simplest prosthetic filling.
It is the cheapest solution, but it has all the disadvantages of a dental prosthesis, which causes painful pressure sores under unfavorable anatomical conditions (such as atrophied, shallow gums) and in extreme cases must be glued so that it does not fall out while eating.
Removable acrylic lower denture mounted on two implants - Locator®System
This solution is suitable for the lower jaw. The prosthesis restores the ability to eat freely. It is used as the "last resort" in toothless patients with major gum atrophy preventing the implantation of more than two implants.
All-on-Four® - permanent restoration of teeth on four implants.
"New real-looking teeth on only 4 implants" - this is a life-changing prosthetic solution!
The All-on-Four® procedure is a long-term implant-prosthetic solution for patients living in discomfort and embarrassment resulting from the use of uncomfortable prostheses.
Permanent tooth reconstruction with a porcelain bridge on five or more implants
This prosthetic solution is possible when the patient has good anatomical conditions (high gums, a large amount of own bone preserved) and five or more implants can be inserted.